We create multimedia projects to communicate clearly, simply and coherently. BRAND ID logos, coordinated image. EDITORIAL editorial projects, illustrations, art books, ebooks. WEB sites, platforms, social.
Video productions, from conception to distribution for the "New Media" and in particular: internet and mobile, without neglecting the traditional channels: cinema, radio, TV. Documentaries, corporate videos, music videos, animations, commercials and much more.
We tell stories through the art of words and images. Creators of stories and keepers of memory, authors of biographies. Everything can be told, explained and documented. We do this in an exciting way.
We supply and partner with leading Universities and european Erasmus+ projects in the creation of online learning offerings. We have the expertise and tools to help you create MOOCs (Massive open online courses) and develop web-based e-learning platforms to deliver them.
Creation of narrative products for the enhancement of Art and Cultural Heritage through immersive digital content. We develop digital solutions and immersive multimedia installations. Augmented Reality, Videomapping, Gamification and Digital scenography, for museums, theatres, shows and events.
Ideal for presenting complex processes, sceneries, data and information in a simple, clear and highly usable message in both static and animated form. We are talking about infographics and animated infographics.
Take a look at some of our projects
Video realisation of the digital scenography of the musical and acrobatic show 'Terra Pavese' by the choreographer Ivan Manzoni and his company on the occasion of the event 'Autunno Pavese' for the Fraschini Theatre in Pavia.
Direction, production and post-production of the first UNIPV international MOOCs in collaboration with the Didactic Innovation and Digital Communication Service (IDCD) of the University of Pavia. Livres enluminés à la cour des Sforza - Un voyage dans les bibliothèques italiennes à la découverte des livres enluminés des Sforza, les ducs de Milan. Link to the official website of

Multimedia, editing, consultancy and editorial coordination for the interdisciplinary project: TIVAL - Integrated technologies for the documentation and valorisation of the cultural heritage of Lombardy - La Certosa di Pavia.

Design and development of the online university course of the new CEFR Companion Volume for the University of Milan. The project and the course won the European Language Label 2020.
Direction and realization of audiovisual contents - spot and teaser - in mixed techniques for the launch of the first Italian fundraising campaigns in favour of scientific research of the crowdfunding platform UNIVERSITIAMO by UNIPV. Logo and corporate image design for the institutional fundraising activities of the University of Pavia.
Direction and realisation of the video dedicated to the Marquis Luigi Malaspina and art direction of the coordinated image - panels and exhibition material - for the permanent exhibition in the Sala del Collezionista at the Museum of the Visconti Castle in Pavia.
The exciting journey through the history of Italian and Tremosinean emigration to the U.S.A. at the time of the "great atlantic migration", with emphasis on the general and local historical framework that provided the backdrop to the biographical stories collected. by Clara Pilotti Delaini and Angelisa Leonesio Zielo.
Design and production of the virtual tour of the Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro - Tomb of Saint Augustine - for the Augustinian Order. Creation of multimedia video content with interviews, narrations and historical information, as well as textual and graphic descriptions to make the visit an attractive and educational experience.